Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why Can't It Be Summer?

It basically isn't even winter yet and I am sick of it, I don't like waiting outside for more than 10 minutes when it is below zero. I also am excited because this summer my mother is paying for me and my sister to spend like ten days in New York for a graduation present. Also once school is out I can relax. I feel like I don't care anymore about schoolwork and so this is not a fun time for me. I want to be able to hibernate that would be nice cause I do not do well in cold weather I feel like I also become more lazy and that there isn't much you can do to have fun in the winter. I guess there are perks to the winter like hot chocolate, holidays, my birthday. So it basically feels like and either or situation. So now I must go and stay warm and forget about the snow falling outside my house.

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